Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wine, Porch, Puppies, & Candles

I had every intention of making the pasta from yesterday's post last night. But somehow it never got made. I know exactly what happened. The weather was beautiful and a glass of chardonnay was calling my name once I got off work.

I talked to my friend Lauren after work and we decided it would be a leggings, t-shirt, and wine on the porch night. She has the best porch for relaxing and I get to see my favorite puppies in the world, Izzy and Ziggy. :) I mean how can you resist this adorable little guy?

So I threw on some clothes and headed over to her house. I packed up all the food for the pasta and brought it with me, thinking we would make it for dinner. 

Well, a bottle of wine later, there was no pasta making going on. We got so caught up in chatting and playing with the puppies that before we knew it the sun went down and we had to bring the candles out so we could  see!

So that is how we finished out the night, with Chardonnay instead of pasta for dinner (my weight watchers tracker is NOT happy with me). I plan on making the pasta on Saturday now. Maybe that's a better idea anyway. Then I will have stress free easy weekend dinner! 

<3 xoxo <3

ps- How cute are the candle holders? Lauren made them! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Cardio Dance Day!

I never could really bring myself to say 'Happy Hump Day!' I am not sure what's wrong with me but for some reason saying 'hump' sorta grosses me out. So, I needed something to call that middle of the week day that once you get over you are headed straight for the weekend. Surprisingly I now take joy in the fact that Wednesdays are Cardio Dance at the gym. So now, for me, its 'Happy Cardio Dance Day!' I love my Cardio Dance days. I finally found a class at the gym that I actually look forward to going to. The music is always fun and the dances are right up my old cheerleader self alley. :)

After Cardio Dance tonight I am going to attempt my very first Pinterest found recipe. Healthified Asparagus Linguine. I have already put the ingredients into the recipe builder on and found out that it is 9 points per serving. Not too shabby! I might however, attempt to not use the butter. I'm not sure what to use in place of the butter, but I have found that butter is a very very bad thing in the weight watchers world. Butter is like points hell. I hear the word butter and I immediately see the points tallying up.

So here is a pic of what the pasta is supposed to look like...

I'll post a picture tomorrow of what it actually looked like after I butcher the recipe attempting to cook. :)

<3 xoxo <3

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

From Weight Watchers Blog to Here!

I have been doing Weight Watchers for almost a year now and I am a big time believer. You want to know why? "Because it works!" I know that's what Jennifer Hudson says, but she is right! Over that year I have been blogging about my weight loss journey (40lbs down!) and my life in general on the Weight Watchers Online Community. Today I realized some of my friends who aren't in the program might be interested in reading my blog, and anyone else out there too. :) 

First I made sure to have my wonderful friend LeeAnne (see her blog High Heeled Honey) read my blog and tell me if it is even interesting. Of course being the fantastic friend that she is, she said it was adorable just like me. I have to jump into the "real" blogging realm.

About me- My name is Emma and I am regrettably 30 years old (I think I am truly more like 25 but my Mom seems to remember the exact day she gave birth and swears it was in 1981). I'm a natural brunette, a makeup junkie, and learning to be a health and fitness junkie. Like every woman in her mid-20s (yes I know 30), I am in LOVE with Pintrest and am constantly looking for new things to try from there. I am single but have the best friends, guys and girls, in the world. I can't live without Chardonnay. I love the Baltimore Ravens. And...I really hope this something even one person reads.

So welcome! 
If you want to read some of my past blogs go here. You might have to type in the blog ID 1071987. 

<3 xoxo <3