Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Power of Healthy Snacks & New Routines

I think everyone knows my love of the Weight Watchers program. Even though I have been struggling on a plateau for who knows why (I have been sticking to my points!), I still believe in the program and stick with it. So I was super excited that Weight Watchers announced a new 360 program. It came at just the right time for me. Now there is an area for your tracking, spaces, and routines! 

My favorite part so far has been the routines. It helps keep me in line. This week my three routines were eat breakfast every day, always have healthy snacks on hand, and get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. The best one for me is to have healthy snacks on hand. 

If you have ever been to my house you know we always have snacks, my roommate is a guy with an amazing metabolism. It's so unfair. Take last night for example. Here's what he came home with from Big Lots. 

Yes, that is a big size bag. Not a normal bag. And its FILLED with chips, and pretzels, and who knows what other types of snacks. So in my house its really important for me to always have healthy snacks on hand. On top of at home, at work its hard too! With the holidays there are always cookies and donuts and all types of treats at the office to have to avoid. 

Last night I stocked up on healthy snacks and brought a bunch to work today. 

A weight watchers string cheese (1 pt), 2 cups of low fat popcorn (no butter- 2pts), a clementine (0pts), and Ready Snax Veggies, Cheese and Ranch Dip (4pts). 

Hopefully this will get me through today! :) Plus, it was exciting to be able to check off that I completed my routines today! 

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