Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Favorites #6

Happy Purple Friday everyone! I am working on blogging more frequently, but life has taken over again! Work is crazy busy and summer is winding down. Now we are into the beginning of fall which is filled with football Sundays, little cousins soccer games, and lots of fun weekend festivals. I'm sad to say goodbye to summer but excited for all the fun fall activities coming up.

Here are my current favorites.

First of all, how about those Baltimore Ravens! I was lucky enough to get to go to the opening game on MNF and the stadium was crazy. I had so much fun with my roommate Brandon and friends LeeAnne (below) and Adam.

My next favorite is my friend Carlyn. She just ran her very first half marathon on Sunday and I was so happy for her! I made sure to show up with my awesome glittery neon sign to root her on across the finish line. She did an amazing job and is an amazing friend. We will be doing a short run (for her) tonight after work and I am really looking forward to getting my weekend started right with a run!

Next, I have cravings all the time for Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. And I am not capable of making it an only having the 1 cup serving that is recommended. So I was really excited when I came across Kraft Mac and Cheese Veggie Pasta! It has a 1/2 serving of veggies in each serving. To me it tastes no different then the normal Kraft Mac and Cheese, and it uses half the butter and has about half the points of the normal version. Happy Emma :)

Finally, sunflowers have been on my mind recently. A beautiful friend passed away last week after a short and very brave fight with cancer. Lindsey's favorite flower was a sunflower and I just keep seeing them everywhere this week. So I wanted to add a sunflower to Friday favorites for her. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 

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