Monday, November 19, 2012

A New Yum, A Run, A Dazzle Dash, and a Win!

Whooo. I sure am exhausted! My weekend was jam packed and my Sunday was crazy crazy, but so much fun.

First, yesterday I discovered a breakfast treat that is low in points that I love. And an easy quick lunch that was both filling and delicious. For breakfast, I finally took Hungry Girl's advice and tried out the new Laughing Cow Cream Cheese wedges. I was in the mood for something seasonal, so I had a Thomas Pumpkin Spice Bagel Thin with the Laughing Cow Cinnamon Cream Cheese. Can you say DELICIOUS?! I can't believe I waited so long to try these two together! Plus, its only 4 points total, which is an awesome breakfast.

After my great breakfast, I headed out to meet my friend Keith for a run. We put in 4 miles and did a great job! We decided we would work on building our mileage week after week together. It really helps to have a running partner. I hope it keeps me motivated in the down time between my running groups GIRL and FIT (although I know some of us girls will run together in the off time). :) 

After my successful run, some errands, and laundry I realized I was starving again. Wanting to make something yummy again, I realized I had all of the fixings for chicken fajitas but didn't want to make a big portion. So instead I made a grilled chicken fajita wrap. :) I used Tyson Ready Grilled Chicken (that heats up in the oven or microwave), sauteed up some fajita veggies, added some fat free sour cream, lettuce, and low fat cheese, and VIOLA! A really filling lunch. Rounding out at around 10 points. 

I did a few more errands and some cleaning after lunch and then prepared for the Dazzle Dash with my cousins last night. A 1.4 mile walk through the Howard County Symphony of Lights. It was sooooo much fun. It was neat to walk through all the lights and really get in the holiday season. 

Finally, I ended my crazy Sunday on the couch in my purple pajamas watching the Ravens kick the Steelers butt on SNF. :) I'd say, a pretty perfect end to a pretty perfect Sunday. 


  1. I was Googling the Dazzle Dash and your post came up! I will be doing the Dazzle Dash this year! Can't wait... looks like so much fun!
